Saturday 31 December 2011


As we leave 2011, we have two bits of good news:

First, The Finchley Society, will be sponsoring the Greenacre Bicycle Rally for 2012 (GBR2012 10th June) - fantastic news, and our thanks to FinSoc.

Secondly, GBR founder, and Green Spaces and Sustainable Transport Coordinator for the Greenacre Project, met with the Leader of Barnet Council, Councillor Richard Cornelius, a couple of months ago. Among Mike's concerns was the anti-cycling campaign that had been started by Dennis Pepper, Friends of Windsor Open Space.

The brook is an important green space, not just for breathing fresher air, walking but also for cycling. It's the perfect place for parents wishing to teach their children how to ride a bicycle. Dennis Pepper had been trying to ban bikes from the brook!!

GBR suggested to Councillor Cornelius, that the no cycling signs be removed and replaced with cycle/pedestrian friendly signs. Councillor Cornelius agreed to have the no-cycling signs removed.

We are pleased to report that on a recent Christmas ride, we went via Windsor Open Space and joy of joys, the no-cycling signs have been removed.

Happy cycling in 2012!!!!!!

If you pre-register for the rally, this will save time on the day. Click on the link below:

Greenacre Bicycle Rally 2012 Registration Form

Saturday 3 December 2011

Bikes and music to support the Campaign against Climate Change

Some of us went to support the Campaign against Climate Change march in central London today.

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